Oh My OshKosh B’gosh

Eeeeeek I am so beyond excited, that I just have to share my new found treasures and all that from a trip down to my local TK Maxx , who would have thought!!!!!!

Let me talk you through the history behind my excitement …. A large framed picture of myself at my first birthday party covered in chocolate cake and dressed in bright obnoxious pink dungarees sits on my parents dresser. The bright little number I was in were a pair of OshKosh B’gosh.

When baby N was born I searched for a pair OKB in London (where I live) and South Africa (where I’m from) and absolutely no luck. At the back of my mind I always wanted to almost replicate that picture. Heaven knows why as I don’t do mommy and me normally but hey!

And then today there they were!!!! I actually had to hold myself back, so I got 2 pairs, cause a girl needs a casual and a more formal pair of dungarees of course!!!



Stay tuned for pics of baby N in her new outfits and maybe just maybe I will throw in a little throw back of well me!!!!

So head out to your local TK Maxx and get your hands on these babies only £9.99!!!!
